The Section Officers Promotional Examination-2010 will be held by the Federal Public Service Commission with effect from 28.12.2010 for selection of 50 Section Officers.
2. Examination Centres:
The Examination will be held simultaneously at Islamabad,Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar and Quetta.
3. The Examination will be conducted in accordance with the following Rules
subject to such changes as may be decided by the Commission or Government before finalizing appointments on the basis of this Examination.
4. a). In terms of para 7.b (I) of O.M constituting OMG, the following
categories of Government servants are eligible:-
All Civil Servants who have put in minimum 8 years of service in BS
11 to 16 in President’s Secretariat, Prime Minister’s Secretariat, Senate
Secretariat, National Assembly Secretariat, Federal Secretariat, Attached
Departments, Wafaqi Mohtasib’s Secretariat, Federal Service Tribunal,
Federal Public Service Commission, Intelligence Bureau and also the
Civilian employees of Pakistan Armed Forces Headquarters and their
lower formations.
b). In terms of the Establishment Division’s letter No. 13/1/2009. OMG dated
05.07.2010, the employees of the following offices are not eligible:-
a). Directorate General of Inspection and Audit (Income Tax/Customs
and Federal Excise).
b). Additional Directorate of Inspection (Direct Taxes), Faisalabad.
c). Accountants General in the Provinces.
d). AJK Council.
e). Election Commission of Pakistan.
f). Shariat Court.
g). Other departments which have not been declared as attached
departments in terms of Schedule-III of Rules of Business, 1973.
5 (i). No candidate will be admitted to the Examination who does not hold a
certificate of admission from the Commission.
(ii). The decision of the Commission as to the eligibility of a candidate for
admission to the Examination shall be final.
(iii). The candidates are warned that if an application is not signed and/or
received incomplete or wrongly filled in will be rejected.
(iv). Warning: A candidate who knowingly furnishes any particular which is
false or suppresses material information or attempts to influence the
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Commission officers, members of the staff of the Commission or to obtain
support for his/her candidature by improper means or misbehaves in the
Examination hall or found guilty of misconduct will be disqualified for
this and/or subsequent Examinations/selections held by the Federal Public
Service Commission and/or criminally prosecuted and debarred from
employment under Government.
(v). There is no age limit for the Examination.
(vi). There is no minimum educational qualifications, laid down for the Examination.
However, the standard of the Examination will be of Bachelor’s Degree of
Pakistani Universities.
(vii). The candidates will be required to score minimum of 40% marks in individual subject and 50% marks in aggregate (fraction of percentage in aggregate will not be converted into a whole number) in order to qualify for interview/Viva Voce.
Candidates must obtain 50% marks in interview. Candidates who obtain less than 40% marks in any of the subjects and 50% marks in interview will not be given any credit and their marks will be treated as Zero.
(viii). There is no limit on number of attempts. However, the Examination shall be passed as a whole and not in parts. Failure to qualify in one or more papers or interview will be treated as a failure in the Examination.
(ix). From the marks assigned to candidates in each subject, such deductions will be made as the Commission may consider necessary in order to ensure that no credit is allowed for merely superficial knowledge.
(x). If any candidate’s handwriting is illegible, a deduction will be made on this account from the total marks by the Commission.
(xi). Credit will be given for orderly, effective and exact expression combined with due economy of words in all subjects of the Examination. Answers to questions in excess of the required number shall neither be marked nor taken into account.
The marking will be in order of consecutive answers.
(xii). If any candidate writes his/her Roll Number (except in the space provided for this purpose on the title cover of the answer book) or writes his/her name or makes any distinguished marks or appeals at any place in his/her answer book and/or additional sheets, he/she will be awarded Zero mark in that paper, besides any other punishment which the Commission may decide to award.
(xiii). Answer books in all the subjects of Examination are secret documents and cannot, therefore, be permitted to be seen by the candidates or their representatives nor re-Examination of answer books/scripts is allowed under any circumstances. A candidate desirous of getting of his/her marks, awarded by theexaminers re-counted may submit his/her request for the purpose, within thirty
(30) days from the date of issue of result card/marks sheet along with a TreasuryChallan of Rs. 200/- per paper as fee for re-checking/re-counting of marks only.
Thereafter, no such request will be entertained.
(xiv). The Answer books of the candidates will be retained in the office of the FederalPublic Service Commission for one year only and thereafter the same will be
destroyed. Candidates are, therefore, cautioned that any query relating to theiranswer books should be made within the specified period, thereafter, no request
in this regard will be entertained.
(xv). Grace marks are not allowed.
(xvi). Representation against rejection
Representation against rejection of candidature, if so desired, may be submittedto the Commission within thirty (30) days of the issuance of the rejection letter.
Representation will be entertained only if accompanied with a Treasury Receiptof Rs. 100/-. The Commission will decide the representation after allowing anPage 3 of 5opportunity of personal hearing to the candidate. The candidate has to appear forpersonal hearing at FPSC, Headquarters, Islamabad or FPSC Branch Offices, athis/her own expenses. Head of Account where amount is to be deposited“C02101-Organs of State, Examination fee realized by FPSC”.
(xvii). Review Petition
Review petition against rejection of representation, if so desired, may be
submitted to the Commission within fifteen (15) days of the rejection of
representation. Review petition will be entertained only if accompanied with aTreasury Receipt of Rs. 100/-. The decision of the Commission on the reviewpetition shall be final.
(xviii). All the candidates are admitted to the Examination provisionally on their ownrisk subject to their being found eligible on detailed scrutiny of their applicationsafter written Examination is over. If a candidate is found ineligible hiscandidature will be cancelled irrespective of the fact whether he has appeared inthe Examination or not or even qualified therein.
Note: To avoid frustration, the candidates are advised in their own interestto make sure before appearing at the Examination that they fulfill all the
requirements of the rules, relating to the Examination.
6. (a). Candidates seeking admission to the Examination must apply to the Federal
Public Service Commission, Islamabad on the prescribed application form.
(b). Candidates should submit their applications to the Secretary, FPSC, F-5/1, AgaKhan Road, Islamabad or any of the Branch offices or Regional offices on or
before the closing date i.e. 10.11.2010 whereas Departmental Permission
Certificate should be submitted through proper channel. If the time is short acandidate is allowed to fax the first page of his Application Form duly signedonly on FPSC, Headquarters, Islamabad Fax Nos. 051-9213386/9203410. The
candidate is, however, bound to submit the original application alongwith allnecessary documents within Ten (10) days from the closing date failing whichhis/her candidature is liable to be rejected.
7. The candidates who finally qualify the Examination will be appointed by the Governmentaccording to their merit prepared by the Commission and the number of vacancies announced bythe Government.
8. Success in the Examination confers no right to appointment.
9. The Examination shall comprise of the following subjects and each subject will carry
marks mentioned against it:-
1. General Paper-I (English) 50 02Hrs.
i). Essay writing
ii). Summary writing
iii). Precise & Composition
iv). Translation from Urdu to English and vice versa
2. General Paper-II (General Knowledge) 50 02 Hrs.
i). Pakistan Studies (17 Marks)
ii). Islamiat (17 Marks)
iii). Current Affairs (16 Marks)
3. Professional/Specialized Paper-I 100 03 Hrs.
i). Rules of Business
ii). Secretariat Instructions and Office Procedure
iii). Secretariat Noting & Drafting
iv). General Financial Rules (Vol.I)
v). Civil Servants Act, 1973 and Rules made there under.
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4. Professional/Specialized Paper-II 100 03 Hrs.
i). Basic Concepts of Public Administration
ii). Human Resource Management
iii). General Financial Rules-II
iv). Management Information System
v). Basic Concept of Quality Management
5. Total Written Marks : 300
Viva Voce : 100
General Papers 33%
Professional Papers 67%
Qualifying Standard 40% in each paper
50% in aggregate
50% in Viva Voce
10. The Non-Muslim candidates have the option either to take/attempt Islamiatportion of General Paper-II as one of the compulsory portion or otherwise Pakistan
Studies portion of General Paper-II will be treated of double marks in their case and half
of their total marks obtained by them in Pakistan Studies will be counted in lieu ofIslamiat Portion.
11. The medium of Examination is English except in paper of Islamiat which may beattempted either in English or in Urdu.
12. The Policy laid down above is liable to modification and any change will beapplicable to the candidates for this Examination.
Federal Public Service Commission, Islamabad.
Section Officers Promotional Examination-2010
Detailed Contents for General Paper-II
B. ISLAMIAT = 17 Marks
1. Ideology of Pakistan
2. Land and People of Pakistan
3. Pakistan Movement
1. Need of Religion and its role in Human Life – Islam and other religions.
2. Islam – its concept and meaning. Deen and Muzhab, Islamic Concepts of
Universe and Humanity, Place of Humanity in Islam, Man as Vicegerent
of Allah, Chief Characteristics of Islamic Ideology.
3. Islamic Way of Life
(a). Source of Shariah
(b). Social system in Islam
(c). Morality in Islam
(d). Islamic Political System
(e). Muslim Ummah
Candidates will be expected to display such general knowledge of History,
Geography and Politics as is necessary to interpret current affairs.
1. Pakistan’s relation with its neighbours.
2. Pakistan’s relations with Middle Eastern. African and far Eastern
3. Pakistan’s relations with Big Powers.
4. Pakistan’s role in Regional and International Organizations.
5. Issues in Pakistan Politics
Suggested Readings
S.No. Title Author
1. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy S.M. Burke
2. Pakistan in Twentieth Century: A Political History Lawrence Ziring
3. Politics in Pakistan Khalid B. Sayeed
4. The Military and Politics in Pakistan Hasan Askari Rizvi
5. Muslim Separation in India and Paksitan Abdul Hamid
6. Geography of Pakistan K.U. Kureshi
7. Ulema in Politics I.H. Qureshi
8. The Making of Pakistan K.K. Aziz
9. Introduction to Islam Dr. Hamidullah